David Deller
David Deller

Consultation Responses

The following consultation responses can be downloaded from the Centre for Competition website at:

Responses to consultations | Centre for Competition Policy

* indicates lead or joint lead author


  1. Deller, D. and C. Waddams Price, "House of Lords' Industry and Regulators Committee: Ofgem and Net Zero - Supplementary Questions", November 2021
  2. Brock, M., D. Deller, M. Hviid and C. Waddams Price with P. Bernal, "Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy: Domestic Energy Retail Consultation on Opt-In Switching and Testing Opt-Out Switching", October 2021
  3. Deller D. and C. Waddams Price, "House of Lords' Industry and Regulators Committee: Ofgem and Net Zero", August 2021
  4. *Calef, A., D. Deller, M. Hviid and B. Lyons, "Financial Conduct Authority: General insurance pricing practices market study – Consultation on Handbook changes", December 2020
  5. *Deller, D. and A. Fletcher, "Ofgem: Microbusiness Strategic Review – Policy Consultation", October 2020
  6. *Brock, M., D. Deller, S. Ennis, M. Hviid and C. Waddams Price, "Liberal Democrats Utilities Working Group: Call for Evidence – Theme: Energy Regulation", June 2020
  7. *Brock, M., D. Deller and M. Hviid, "Liberal Democrats Utilities Working Group: Call for Evidence – Theme: Water Regulation", June 2020
  8. *Ennis, S., D. Deller and B. Enstone, "Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy: Contracts for Difference for Low Carbon Electricity – Consultation on proposed amendments to the scheme", May 2020
  9. *Deller D. and C. Waddams Price, "Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy: Consultation on the Fuel Poverty Strategy for England", September 2019
  10. Amodu, T., M. Brock, D. Deller, M. Harker, T. Tutton and C. Waddams Price, "Ofgem: Draft Consumer Vulnerability Strategy 2025", August 2019
  11. Deller, D., C. Waddams, B. Lyons and R. Sugden, "Ofgem: Developing a Framework for Assessing whether Conditions are in Place for Effective Competition in Domestic Supply Contracts", July 2019
  12. *Deller, D. and A. Fletcher, "Ofgem Opening Statement - Strategic Review of the Microbusiness Retail Market Call for Evidence", May 2019
  13. Deller, D., M. Hviid and C. Waddams, "Competition and Markets Authority: 'Loyalty penalty' super-complaint", October 2018
  14. Deller, D., M. Harker, M. Hviid, W. Lam, K. McCullagh, P. Ormosi, S. Peyer, D. Reader and C. Waddams, "Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy: Modernising Consumer Markets - Green Paper", July 2018
  15. *Deller, D. and C. Waddams, "Ofgem Default Tariff Cap Policy Consultation", June 2018
  16. Lu, L., D. Deller and M. Hviid, "Thames Water: Consultation on Water Resources Management Plan 2019", April 2018
  17. *Deller, D., E. Errington, A. Fletcher, M. Hviid, D. Reader and C. Waddams, "Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee: Pre-legislative scrutiny of the daft Domestic Gas and Electricity (Tariff Cap) Bill Inquiry", December 2017
  18. *Deller, D., M. Hviid and C. Waddams, "Ofcom: Helping consumers to engage in communications markets - Call for inputs", August 2017
  19. *Deller, D., E. Errington, M. Hviid and C. Waddams, "House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs: The Economics of UK Energy Policy", September 2016 
  20. *Deller, D. and M. Hviid, "Ofwat: Costs and Benefits of Introducing Competition to Residential Customers in England - Emerging Findings", August 2016
  21. *Deller, D., M. Hviid and C. Waddams, "Competition and Markets Authority: Energy Market Investigation - Provisional Decision on Remedies", April 2016
  22. *Deller, D. and M. Hviid, "Ofwat: Review of Retail Household Markets in the Water and Wastewater Sector - Call for Evidence", February 2016
  23. *Waddams, C., M. Hviid and D. Deller, "Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: Switching Principles - Call for Evidence", December 2015
  24. *Waddams, C. and D. Deller, "Competition and Markets Authority: Energy Market Investigation - Supplemental Notice of Possible Remedies", November 2015
  25. *Waddams, C. and D. Deller, "Competition and Markets Authority: Energy Market Investigation - Invitation to comment on the proposed methodology and draft questionnaire for CMA's research with tenants", October 2015
  26. *Waddams, C., M. Hviid and D. Deller, "Competition and Markets Authority: Energy Market Investigation - Notice of Possible Remedies", August 2015
  27. *Deller, D., M. Hviid and C. Waddams, "House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee: Energy Price Comparison Websites Inquiry", January 2015
  28. *Deller, D., M. Hviid and C. Waddams, "Ofgem: Treatment of white label providers in the domestic retail market", November 2014
  29. *Deller, D., and M. Hviid, "Prudential Regulation Authority/Financial Conduct Authority: Strengthening the alignment of risk and reward - new remuneration rules", October 2014
  30. Deller, D., M. Hviid and A. Kreutzmann-Gallasch, "Ofcom: Consumer Switching - Next Steps and Call for Inputs", September 2014
  31. *Deller, D., M. Flores, C. Waddams and M. Zhu, "Competition and Markets Authority: Draft Customer Survey Questionnaire (Energy Market Investigation)", September 2014
  32. Deller, D., M. Hviid, C. Waddams and M. Zhu, "Competition and Markets Authority: Energy Market Investigation - Statement of Issues", August 2014
  33. Deller, D., M. Hviid, J.Y. Jeon, D. Mantzari, C. Waddams and M. Zhu, "Ofgem: Protecting consumers in collective switching schemes", April 2014
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