I have written the following blog posts:
- "How will rising UK energy bills affect fuel poverty and affordability", Economics Observatory.com: Families & Households", 25 May 2022
- "The CMA's Energy Market Remedies: Boxed into the Wrong Corner?", Competition Policy Blog, Centre for Competition Policy, 14 April 2016
- "The CMA's Energy Market Provisional Remedies: Right Direction but Inadequate, and Missing an Important Trick", Competition Policy Blog, Centre for Competition
Policy, 11 March 2016
- "Who Switched Energy Suppliers in The Big Switch and Why?", Which? Conversation, Which? the UK Consumer Association, 9 January 2015
I am co-author of the following CCP Research Bulletin articles:
- Davies, S. and D. Deller, "Aggregate Concentration in the UK: A Neglected Indicator", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue 41, Summer 2021, pp. 7-10
- Deller, D., S. Ennis and B. Enstone, "Competition and the Environment: Bidding processes awarding State Aid for Renewable Electricity", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue 40, Winter 2020, pp.
- Bokhari, F. and D. Deller, "Discussing the impact of Scotland’s ban on multi-buy promotions for alcohol", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue 40, Winter 2020, pp. 24-27
- Deller, D. and A. Fletcher, "Energy Brokers: A help or a nuisance for small businesses navigating the energy market?", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue 39, Summer 2020,
pp. 17-20
- Deller, D. and C. Waddams Price, "UKERC Research Programme: Fairness in Retail Energy Markets? Evidence from the UK", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue 36, Autumn 2018,
pp. 11-13
- Lu, L., D. Deller and M. Hviid, "Price and Behavioural Signals to Encourage Household Water Conservation", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue 35, Spring 2018, pp. 2-4
- D. Deller and C. Waddams Price, "UKERC-funded project: Energy Affordability and Old Age: Expenditure versus self-reported perceptions", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue
35, Spring 2018, pp. 14-16
- D. Deller and C. Waddams, "The affordability of utilities in Europe", CCP Research Bulletin, Issue 30, Autumn 2015, pp. 7-9